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Markariak's chain

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Lachaîne de Markarian est un ensemble de galaxies appartenant à l'amas de la Vierge. Elle est nommée d'aprèsBenjamin Markarian qui a découvert qu'elles étaient animées d'un mouvement commun. La chaîne comprend huit galaxies:M84(NGC 4374),M86(NGC 4406),NGC 4477,NGC 4473,NGC 4461,NGC 4458,NGC 4438etNGC 4435. D'autres galaxies sont visibles dans le champ visuel mais ne font pas partie de cette association.

Markarian's Chainis a stretch of galaxies that forms part of theVirgo Cluster. When viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line.Charles Messierfirst discovered two of the galaxies,M84andM86, in 1781. The other galaxies seen in the chain were discovered by William Herschel and are now known primarily by their catalog numbers in ohn Louis Emil Dreyer's New General Catalogue, published in 1888.It was ultimately named after theSoviet astrophysicist ,Benjamin Markarian, who discovered their common motion in the early 1960s.Member galaxies include M84(NGC 4374),M86(NGC 4406),NGC 4477,NGC 4473,NGC 4461,NGC 4458,NGC 4438andNGC 4435


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